
2019 年
切り絵アニメーション 12分30秒

旧東欧やロシアのアニメーションから影響を受けた作風はどこか懐かしさが伴う。前作『 ゆうびんやさんと小さな手紙の話』の続編。

2019 年 
6 月 セレブレーション-日本ポーランド現代美術展-短編フィルムプログラム 上映会
9月  ARS LATRANS Festival: Japanese animationes  映画館 Kino Pod Baranami にて上映(ポーランド/クラクフ)
   The 18th Media Art Biennale WRO 2019: HUMAN ASPECT, Special screening of Japanese animation
12 月 Prague Youth Film Festival  短編物語賞 受賞

cutout animation 12min 30sec

Louiza is the girl who lives in a small old town named “ fir tree ” , and longs for a big sparkling town named “ Iberis” . Her mother had cherished a strawberry gem with a precious memory of a fairy, Cuberry. But one day, louiza sells it in the iberis town.
The short film “Louiza and the Town of Iberis” is set in after 20 years of my previous short film “The Story of The Postman and The Small Letter” . I depicted an emotional connection with a small and different being like fairies . I created a original world by the animation of cutting pictures and the soft delicate watercolor pictures, infulenced by Earsten Europe and Russia animations.

2019, May, Screening in the public event ,
Kyoto Art Center and ROHM Theatre Kyoto (Japan), Poznan, Szczecin, Wrocław, Kraków, and Warszawa (Poland)

December, the short film””Louiza and the Town of Iberis” won a prize, Best Short Narrative  at <Prague Youth Film Festival>